Sunday, October 4, 2009

Conference Weekend

This weekend was amazing! For those of you not familiar with the LDS Church, this weekend was general conference weekend. Twice a year (the first weekend of April and the first weekend of October), instead of having regular church we have an international conference broadcast from Salt Lake (the church headquarters). Over the course of the two day conference, the Prophet and many other international church leaders speak to the world and give us council that we need for today. None of the speakers are given topics, they each pray about it to decide what they Lord would have them say to the world.

My parents, several friends, and I spent the weekend at the cabin because we have a satellite dish and can watch it on TV. I love being up at the cabin and it is nice to watch Conference there because there are so few distractions. There were several quotes I loved and want to apply to my life:

"We don't need to know more, we need to do more of the things we know to be right." -Elder David A. Bednar

"Don't intend to be the one to help, be the one to help." President Thomas S. Monson

"Learning and teaching are not optional activities in the kingdom of God." -Elder Osguthorpe

1 comment:

Kelvin said...

Wasn't conference so good? and I'm glad to see two posts in one day from you :)