Saturday, April 25, 2009


Well, Graduation was Thursday and yesterday. It was nice but REALLY, REALLY long! My major is under the college of Family, Home, and Social Sciences which is the largest college at the University; our convocations was two and a half hours.

My parents flew out for graduation late Wednesday night. Thursday morning they helped me load my car (miraculously, everything fit and we even had room for a few things my friend needed to get home). Then we went to commencement, followed by dinner at the Spaghetti Factory. My grandma and two aunts came to convocation, followed by lunch at Cheesecake Factory.

We took about a million pictures and I have more to say but right now I need to go put gas in my car and buy "survival food" for the drive to Georgia. My dad is flying home at 11:00, then my mom and I are leaving. I will post pictures and more details after we get home.

1 comment:

Rory and Rachel said...

Yay for graduation! Way to go, Rach!